Art, Nature, Water, City
Data from The Waterfront Toronto Five Year Strategic Plan
For up-to-date information on the Port Lands Flood Protection Project, construction timelines, and accessibility visit: www.waterfrontoronto.ca and www.portlandsto.ca
Ookwemin Minising, the new island in the Port Lands, has been planned as a major attraction, with unprecedented recreational access to water for fishing, kayaking, canoeing, and paddle boarding; a 3.5k person event lawn; extensive playgrounds; picnic areas; and 6.1km of pedestrian and cycling trails. Biidaasige park also includes an Indigenous heritage, culture and ceremony layer that includes a ceremonial shade structure, space for Powwows, interpretive signage and wayfinding, and native plant communities. The Lassonde Art Trail adds a dynamic layer of public art for all visitors to enjoy as part of their experience of this new island park system.
The project is being implemented by Waterfront Toronto with parks designed by MVVA that include:
- 62 acres of accessible parkland - free to all, including the 4.2km Lassonde Art Trail.
- 1.5M people anticipated to visit the parks annually, and 2.5M visitors once the island is fully built out.
- A nationally significant network of parks and public realm to draw people from across the city and region to the water's edge.
- A future community aiming to be Canada's first climate positive neighbourhood.
- Up to 2,700 units of affordable housing, with around 9,000 units in total.