Courtesy Vid Ingelevics and Ryan Walker

Why Support Public Art?

Everyone has access

No tickets, no doors – LAT will provide free, year-round programming of contemporary art in the outdoors for anyone who walks, bikes or paddles through the parkland.

Culture cultivates community

LAT will connect with art and nature, promote reflection and discussion, and break down barriers.

Art fosters civic engagement

Art in the public realm builds social capital and encourages civil dialogue.

The experience promotes wellbeing

Unique in its setting, LAT will provide crucial cultural engagement with nature for people of all abilities and ages.

It strengthens social fabric

LAT will provide a platform for a multitude of perspectives and voices to be heard and seen, through art.

It builds a great city

This unique destination will build a healthier, more vibrant, culturally rich city for people to live in and visit.

Partnerships & Sponsorships

The Lassonde Art Trail offers a range of partnership opportunities. Our team will work with you to build a tailored package that is suited to your unique philanthropic goals. By partnering with LAT you are directly contributing to building a healthier, more vibrant city. Please contact for more information.


LAT is grateful for the following Founding donors who have pledged $100K or more to establish the Art Trail. We look forward to recognizing these supporters on the Art Trail and our Founders' Wall when LAT launches in 2026.

Founding Lead

The Pierre Lassonde Family Foundation


Frances and Tim Price


Power Corporation of Canada



John Donald

Mark and Catherine Graham

The Jay and Barbara Hennick Family Foundation

Susie and Vahan Kololian

LAT deeply appreciates the early support of the following donors who are helping to launch the Art Trail as an incredible destination for Toronto, Canada, and all who visit.


The Barry and Laurie Green Family Charitable Trust


Chloë Catán and Michel Couttolenc

Fela Grunwald

LAT also recognizes a generous grant from:

Outset Contemporary Art Fund

Charitable Registration

No. 724024948RR0001

Lassonde Art Trail Foundation

c/o 45 Hazelton Avenue

Suite A, Toronto, Ontario

M5R 2E3
